As dental clinicians, how does one choose from among the many options available which dental implant maintenance techniques to use and what ...Read More
Los avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer han incrementando la supervivencia en la mayoría de los cánceres. Sin embargo, muchos...Read More
People use tobacco in largely two different forms, SMOKING and SMOKELESS form. It has been now proven, that consumption of tobacco causes il...Read More
Dental erosion is often described solely as a surface phenomenon, unlike caries where it has been established that the destructive effects i...Read More
Modern implants consist of an osseous part that interacts with the bone, a transmucosal component that interacts with the mucosa and then th...Read More
While ‘brushing twice and brushing right’ is an indispensable practice for maintaining good oral health and hygiene, your diet makes a big d...Read More
El envejecimiento poblacional, es una realidad que enfrentan la mayoría de países desarrollados y un reto que empiezan a plantearse los país...Read More
Generally we refer infection to a dental implant as peri implantitis, whether it is an inflammation or infection, generally there is peri im...Read More
Marie François Xavier Bichat was a French anatomist, physician, and biologist, which lived in 1771 through 1802 who first described an encap...Read More
You might chomp down on a stick of gum after a meal as a force of habit, but do you know how beneficial this simple act can be? According to...Read More
Most retainers are removable, meaning that you take them out when eating, brushing and flossing. For this reason, they are easy to misplace....Read More
El triclosan es una sustancia capaz de acabar con bacterias y hongos, por lo que su uso se ha extendido durante los últimos años a múltiples...Read More
Depende do tipo do aparelho: o fixo direciona os dentes para o rumo desejado e o móvel estimula ou inibe o crescimento do osso da maneira co...Read More
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