The diagnostic combination of periodontics and orthodontics should be a usual practice in dental clinics, particularly among specialists.
Early diagnoses of any type of abnormal tooth position provide information to direct treatment and, therefore, prevent periodontal diseases.
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Orthodontic treatments, as part of periodontal rehabilitation programs, may bring benefits, such as the improvement of access for dental hygiene, reestablishment of occlusal balance, and even adequate lip sealing.
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Orthodontics acts in the tooth repositioning and presents a close relationship with the periodontal tissues, both because its execution manner as for the results achieved, reducing the possibility of tooth loss and gingival infections caused by tooth malpositioning.
Of the several pathologies that affect the oral cavity, malocclusion is the third most important problem in the world population. Abnormal tooth positions may already be present in the deciduous dentition.
°Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics
°Association between malpositioned teeth and periodontal disease
°Estela Santos Gusmão / Roberlene Deschamps Coutinho de Queiroz / Renata de Souza Coelho / Renata Cimões / Rosenês Lima dos Santos
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