DENTAL ANESTHESIA : Mandibular Anesthesia : Gow-Gates technique

Reliable profound mandibular block anesthesia is questionable when depositing the anesthetic solution at the lingula.

Complications can occur and the needle may impact a number of important anatomical structures by deep penetration.

The Gow-Gates technique for mandibular anesthesia obviates these problems.

The Gow-Gates mandibular nerve block is a true mandibular block, since it anesthetizes almost the entire mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (mandibular nerve or V3).

This nerve is a short main trunk formed where a smaller anterior trunk meets a larger posterior trunk in the infratemporal fossa before it passes through the foramen ovale of the sphenoid bone.

See also: Taking DENTAL IMPRESSIONS : Correction Impression

Fuente: Youtube / FreeDentalEducation
Image : Vimeo