Some facts you should know about porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of porcelain used to recreate the natural look of teeth, while also providing strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel.

It is often the material of choice for those looking to make slight position alterations, or to change tooth shape, size, and/or color.


• Since they require approximately 0.5 mm of tooth reduction, porcelain veneers are not considered a reversible form of treatment.

• Occasionally, the preparation of a porcelain laminate veneer does not necessitate the use of a local anesthetic.

See also: DENTAL ANESTHESIA : Mandibular Nerve Block Technique

However, for those patients that are particularly sensitive or anxious, a local anesthetic is advisable.

• The laboratory time required for the fabrication of a porcelain laminate veneer is approximately one week, although this may vary.

• You can expect some sensitivity to hot and cold. This is normal and is due to the removal of a small portion of the tooth’s enamel covering. This sensitivity should disappear a few days after the placement of the veneers.

• The insertion or cementation of your laminate veneers can be accomplished once again with or without local anesthetic. This visit is usually longer in length.

The laminates are placed with a light-sensitive resin hardened with the use of a white light, effectively bonding them to your teeth.

• Once placed your laminate veneers are very strong and will resist most of the forces placed upon them by a normal diet.

Porcelain is a glass and like glass it is strong, but brittle. Therefore, you should avoid anything that will tend to stress the laminate veneer.

Opening pistachio nuts with your teeth, chewing on bones or candy apples is probably not a good idea. As with most things, common sense should prevail.