Periodontics: Implant Complications and Maintenance Issues

The high predictability and long-term success of implant therapy has been well documented (Adell 1981, Albrektsson 1986).

Complications do arise, as it may be the case after any Prosthodontic or Surgical procedure.

In recent years, a number of authors have specifically looked at implant related complications and maintenance requirements.

Once osseointegration is established, complications can be divided into biological and mechanical ones.

The literature has reported biological complications which may include adverse soft tissue reactions, sensory disturbances, progressive marginal bone loss and loss of integration.

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Mechanical complications may include fractures or loosening of components in the system.

Thorough understanding of the etiology and the frequency of these complications is lacking due to the failure of establishing standardized methods of data collection.

Regular recall examination for patients with dental implants may minimize or prevent such complications.

By Jim Yuan Lai, DMD, MSc(Perio), FRCD(C) and Francine Albert, DMD, MSc(Prosth), FRCD(C)