Diagnosis and management of oral lesions and conditions : A resource handbook fot he clinician

This handbook has the goal of providing a short and objective approach to the diagnosis and management of common oral lesions and conditions likely to be encountered in the daily practice of dentistry by the general practitioner.

Each of the lesions/conditions will be grouped based on their nature, inflammatory or infectious, benign or malignant, variants of normal, bony lesions, etc.

The individual lesion/condition will be described based on common clinical signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis, best approach for diagnostic confirmation, and brief management strategy.

One of the chapters is dedicated to oral hygiene and oral health maintenance recommendations.

Diagnosing and treating dermatologic lesions of the mouth and gums is challenging for most clinicians because of the wide variety of disease processes that can present with similar appearing lesions and the fact that most clinicians receive inadequate training in mouth diseases.

See also: ORAL SURGERY : Treatment of actinic cheilitis by surgical vermilionectomy

In a study of oral lesions in older adult patients, for example, almost all clinicians surveyed felt that it was important to examine older patients' mouths, but less than one-fifth stated that they routinely performed such examinations.

Almost four-fifths did not correctly diagnose a clinical picture of an early squamous cell carcinoma.

One of the keys to improving accuracy in diagnosing oral lesions is forming an appropriate differential diagnosis. This review will discuss the presentation and treatment of the most common oral lesions, including tumors, infections, autoimmune and connective tissues diseases, aphthous ulcers, and other miscellaneous oral lesions.


Edited by Cesar A. Migliorati and Fotinos S. Panagakos