With the discovery of osseointegration and advancement in dental materials dental implants provide superior support, stability and retention...Read More
Most people think that after completing the orthodontic treatment the teeth are going to remain straight or well aligned for the lifetime. ...Read More
The rate of edentulism - loss of all natural teeth - varies with age, but according to 2015 Australian Government survey data, the issue aff...Read More
Third molar surgery is one of the most common procedures performed in oral and maxillofacial surgery offices. Nevertheless, this procedure r...Read More
The term refers to the painless removal of a tooth or tooth roots with minimum trauma to the surrounding tissues so that the extraction sock...Read More
Con la ortodoncia se logra que los dientes estén alineados disminuyendo la producción de placa bacteriana y sarro. Asimismo, con este trata...Read More
The Connection Between Oral Health and Entire Body Health Can’t be Ignored; Newport Beach Dentist Leads the Way to a Higher Standard of Heal...Read More
Eating with braces can be tricky. The irony of braces is that they help and hurt your teeth at the same time: They help because they correct...Read More
Cuando llevamos ortodoncia pueden producirse distintos tipos de urgencias, las hay graves y las hay leves. Las urgencias en ortodoncia grav...Read More
La erosión dental afecta a personas de todas las edades. Ésta condición es el debilitamiento del esmalte dental debido a un proceso químico...Read More
El esmalte dental es una capa protectora necesaria para nuestras piezas dentales. Su reducción o desaparición parcial desencadena un crecien...Read More
A tooth has been bothering you for a couple of days now, maybe for the first time – but maybe not. Tooth pain can be just that, a pain, but ...Read More
As an adjunctive procedure, soft tissue laser surgery has helped many orthodontists elevate the level of patient care by increasing treatmen...Read More
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